
Get the tasks done and claim your rewards.

72 / 250 are left to claim
72 claims Reserved for 6d : 10h for UP Holders

Follow Unitap on Farcaster and earn 2 dollars

Follow Unitap on Farcaster

claim on OP

70 / 250 are left to claim
70 claims Reserved for 6d : 9h for UP Holders

Bridge at least 0.001 ETH using the official Arbitrum bridge and claim $10 as reward.

Bridge ETH to Arbitrum

claim on Arbitrum

Claim your Glo Dollar (USDGLO) to start funding public goods—at zero cost. Glo Dollar is the stablecoin that funds public goods. Hodling Glo Dollars, you decide which charitable causes and public goods you fund.

BrightID Meets

claim on Polygon

From Archive

Claim your Glo Dollar (USDGLO) to start funding public goods—at zero cost. Glo Dollar is the stablecoin that funds public goods. Hodling Glo Dollars, you decide which charitable causes and public goods you fund.

BrightID Meets

claim on OP

From Archive

Claim your OP on Optimism now!

BrightID Meets
Claim ETH from OP faucet

claim on OP

From Archive

SONG tokens map to SongADay NFTs in the vault. 1 SONG = 1 NFT. SONG is also the currency to vote on songs and earn money for finding rare matches in the upcoming Song Dust challenge.

BrightID Meets

claim on IDChain Mainnet

From Archive

The Lightning Network is a second layer for Bitcoin (BTC) that uses micropayment channels to scale the blockchain's capability and handle transactions more efficiently and more cheaply. It is a technological solution designed to solve glitches associated with Bitcoin by introducing off-chain transactions.

BrightID Meets

claim on Lightning

From Archive

BrightID keeps apps safe from attackers with multiple accounts. BrightDAO is where the community makes proposals to improve BrightID. $BRIGHT is the community token.

BrightID Meets

claim on Gnosis Chain

From Archive